466 days.
That’s how long our breastfeeding journey lasted and I’m writing this so very proud and content.
My little boy had his last feed days ago now, he’d been gradually dropping them since around the time he turned one and for the past couple of months he’s only been having one feed, usually at night.
And now he’s just stopped asking.
I’m really happy that it’s happened on his terms and at his own pace - I feel like it’s actually him who has weaned me off breastfeeding!
It was emotional a couple of months back when I first realised our journey was possibly ending and some of his boob refusals along the way have been pretty brutal - shaking his head, smacking me away, covering me up. He knows what he wants… and what he doesn’t!
Our journey was absolutely the right one for us.
Most importantly, nobody told us what to do… or if they did, we didn’t listen!
However long your journey lasts, however it ends, as long as it’s right for you and your little one, that’s really all that matters 🤍