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Siân’s Feeding Story

Writer's picture: Becky@boobiejewelsBecky@boobiejewels

Siân’s Story…

It’s November, which means time for another breastfeeding journey share.

@siangoodwin32’s journey unfortunately involved some poor support and advice but ultimately is one of triumph, owning her journey and successful relactation in spite of everything that came before. Amazing 🙌

“I was not able to breastfeed with my first, in 2013. I was 18 at the time and was encouraged by midwives to formula feed as I was very 'young' and it would need some 'determination'. I was young and just shocked about the whole situation and lack of support with breastfeeding that I let it go.

When I had my second child in April 2020, 1 week into lockdown, I really wanted to breastfeed, I had everything ready and did a little research with it. I managed a few days and then I really struggled with latch and engorgement. So I reached out to midwives and other support and due to covid I was told to look at videos online and give it a go 😬😬 after many tears and frustrating phone calls with health visitors trying to get some support, I gave it up. Again... distraught and felt let down.

I then had our third child in December 2021 and I was determined to breastfeed, I was more clued up to what support was available, I was older, more experienced and felt more confident to advocate for myself and my baby. My little one was born naturally 3 weeks early, I struggled with my latch, she just wouldn't latch. I stayed in hospital for a few days and tried to get some help but the nurses and midwives told me to go home and pump to encourage supply and give her formula, whilst I waited for it to come in. 3 days later, I ended up with a supply that could feed triplets. My midwife told me to pump until I felt comfortable, due to little one having jaundice and they believed that's why she wouldn't latch... I pumped for 20 mins and filled my double elvies 5 times over!! I was still so engorged. I was miserable, I was told I had too much milk and now to stop pumping and let my supply settle. It was horrible, I would be in the shower up to 10 times a day massaging my breasts trying to relieve some pressure as baby still wouldn't latch on. I was heartbroken but I gave up, I couldn't spend all my time in the shower, my little one wouldn't latch and I thought this just isn't for me...

I stopped for 6 weeks, my supply dried up completely. Then I decided I wanted to relactate, I had the guilty feeling I didn't give it enough time and dedication. I contacted local breastfeeding services, and basically forced myself upon them. I contacted my health visitors for a referral to a lactation consultant, I researched and I started the process on my own. I pumped every 3 hours all day, all night, for 4 weeks and I got my full supply back. We've been exclusively breastfeeding for nearly 7 months now! After I established my supply back, health visitors got in touch with my referral, I told them it was too late and its taken them 4 weeks to get back to me, I'd done it myself and paid for a private lactation consultant and gained support and advice from breastfeeding peer supporters.

I'm so happy I gave it another go and did my research. Just shows that it isn't too late to relactate and get your supply going if you were given incorrect advice or inadequate support!”

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